Divine Quests and Spiritual Journeys: Exploring Mysticism in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


  • Valiyar Aibak Lecturer at Ankara Peace College, Ankara (Turkey)
  • Dr. Muhammad Asim Assistant Professor, Dpeartment of Political Science at the Government Graduate College Bhakkar, former Research Fellow at Al-Mustafa International University, Qom (Iran), and Vice-President Pak-Iran Intellectuals Forum (Islamabad Office) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8873-5711


Coleridge, Mysticism, Spirituality, Symbolism, Allegory, Existentialism


Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” emerges as a quintessential masterpiece within English literature, weaving a tapestry of mystical and spiritual themes that transcend temporal and cultural boundaries. This research paper delves into the poem’s profound depths, examining its rich symbolism, allegorical complexity and narrative structure to unveil the existential questions it poses and the spiritual truths it unveils. By synthesizing insights from previous scholarship and employing a multidisciplinary approach encompassing literary analysis, theology, psychology and comparative mythology, this study aims to illuminate the poem’s enduring significance as a repository of universal wisdom. Central to this exploration is the inquiry into how Coleridge’s magnum opus engages with the human quest for meaning, redemption and transcendence, inviting readers to embark on an intellectual and spiritual journey through the mariner’s tale. As we traverse the seas of metaphor and symbolism, we encounter not only the haunting imagery and moral dilemmas but also the profound insights into the nature of existence, morality and the divine. This research seeks to provoke curiosity and inspire further contemplation, inviting readers to peer beyond the surface of the poem and delve into its depths, where the mysteries of life and spirituality converge in a symphony of poetic brilliance.


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How to Cite

Valiyar Aibak, & Dr. Muhammad Asim. (2024). Divine Quests and Spiritual Journeys: Exploring Mysticism in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Insights of Mystical, Spiritual and Theological Studies, 3(2), 10–22. Retrieved from http://imsts.rmrpublishers.org/index.php/files/article/view/65